This year, I'm encouraging 'Love Yourself'. We may not have a partner, but we do have friends, pets or family who love us. We may be in a relationship, but it may be one where the years have faded the love and the grass is appearing greener. We may have the perfect relationship and be blessed with a fantastic partner. Everyone's situation is different and no matter what it is, it is absolutely fine. If you are alone it can be hard at this time of year, but remember everyone's ideal is different and this one is just one view which is marketed, to encourage consumers to spend.

Regardless of who you are choosing to spend your life with, it is only ourselves that we get to live with absolutely from start to finish. We're using this body to get us through life, so why not be grateful for it? Do you give yourself flowers? Why not treat yourself to a bath with some luxurious bubble bath, or a new book just from you to you?
Love is part of what makes us human, but we often neglect this Valentines Day why not include a little way to show yourself how much you love yourself?.