So, why don't I follow the trend and post aromatherapy recipes?
There's several reasons. In the UK, holistic therapists can be challenged if we post about specific health issues. Claim you're helping specific health conditions and you may be scrutinized by the Advertising Standards Agency resulting in your reputation tarnished. As an aromatherapist I can talk about the properties of essential oils and the chemical components within them. These may suggest an oil can be suitable for a specific problem and there may also be research around aspects of the oil. However, the main reason I don't post pins with recipes is due to my professional obligations.
What do I mean?
Say for example I think a blend of peppermint and rosemary are fantastic for headaches. I post the following in the public domain:

You may see this and think, ooh, yes, I get headaches I'll give this a go.
There's a few things you won't know:

Peppermint shouldn't be used near young babies
Rosemary isn't the best choice if you have high blood pressure
If you're epileptic this recipe could interfere with your anti-epileptic medication
You don't know what type of rosemary it is, as there are no botanical names. There are several different chemotypes of rosemary but you probably don't even know what a chemotype is, let alone know which one to ask for (a chemotype is a chemical variation in a plant and is found in essential oils such as rosemary and eucalyptus).
Seeing this in the public domain may make you think this is safe, but for some people it could cause issues. As an aromatherapist it's irresponsible for me to suggest essential oils without knowing my audience, your health issues and your home environment,which may influence my choice of recommendation. This is the main reason you won't see me do it unless I'm talking to a specific person and know their background, or I know the oils and what to be checking for. There are some oils which are virtually safe, but all oils can cause problems if you are susceptible to sensitivity, you have pre-existing condition, or you are taking particular types of medication.
You may think its convenient and easier to have a one size fits all approach for essential oils, but that isn't the case. An aromatherapist has trained to give a bespoke service which will cater for you and all your unique points. The hardest part is making the appointment and getting to the aromatherapist, but it's easier for them take out all the guess work and blend something you like and which works for you. Taking this approach, rather than a pin you've seen on social media means you know its the safest choice for you - and that's what is important.

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