Thursday 12 July 2012

Hmm, think I'm not very good at blogging....

Goodness me, where does the time go? I've just realised I've not written anything for June, how remiss of me! Well, in between working constantly, being the admin bod for a variety of companies and still managing to look after my two monkeys, I was left with very little thinking time.

What a difference a month makes, all of a sudden my work has died down, my oldest is about to finish his first year of school and my baby boy is cutting teeth like there's no tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to the six and half weeks off, getting to spend time with my boys is why I love being self-employed so much. My children are my priority and my work comes a close second - I know I'm in a very privileged position that I can take off time to have days of fun, but to me those memories are priceless and worth every penny I've lost. So, if I dont post for the summer holidays, I apologise profusely, but I'm probably a little busy having fun and I wholeheartedly suggest you do the same. It doesnt have to cost anything, in this weather you can take your child(ren) out  (or if you dont have children, try borrowing one (with permission!)) & do a bit of puddle splashing - I introduced my 15month to it this afternoon & we had lots of fun...