Wednesday 7 March 2012

How Do You Do It?

I often get asked how do I do it all & while I know I'm stretching things at times I do feel I have a good balance....well, if you want a few hints, try some of these..

I have absolutely no idea what the current live show tv programme is, what Saturday night tv consists of or who any of the younger 'celebrities' are. While I would love to see some more factual & documentaries, my daily intake of Peppa Pig, The Crystal Maze & Ooglies prevents this. This gives me more time to sit on my laptop & clear my emails.

I find multitasking really helpful. I can quite easily make a work colleague call while cleaning work surfaces, brushing the floor, cleaning the bathroom etc.

Getting up at 6.30am gives you a bit of a headstart with the day & means you dont have to rush around so much. If you dont have children you may want to try meditating, but personally my meditation is the 10 seconds as I wake up & work out what day we're on & what I'm doing.

There are only so many hours in the day, so if you can't multitask cleaning, then dont bother. If this is a real issue for you, try watching The Life of Grime & you'll soon realise you'll never be that bad. My motto is that 'a clean house is an indication you really dont have a life'.

Think there's not enough hours in the day? I think that the little mantra 'I have plenty of time' is helpful for this. If you really want to do it, you'd probably find time, & if you don't, it will probably wait for you (my accounts are very kind at obliging on this one).

I have found switching to a daily diary useful. Suddenly my days are even more filled up than usual, as I'm now booking in more clients not realising I'm already pretty busy for that particular week.

I make sure I spend quality time with my children at least once a week. We have family days & make sure that we all get together to do something. We dont live to work & it's important to remember it.

And on a serious note, I practice self care: I ensure I have regular treatments, I use my essential oils & I make sure I take time out if  I think I need it. If I'm not able to look after my children, run my groups, see my clients & arrange business events then I'm not much use to anyone - least of all myself.

So remember that you have 24 hours every day & it's always fun to see how much you can  fit into it when you try...just remember to keep a few hours for yourself every so often!